Hello Again,
In my first post, I showed you some of the photos from my recent trip to the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg. Today I would like to show you some more photos and tell you more about what I learned.

This is the bible that was owned by Confederate General Robert. E. Lee
This is a piece of wallpaper from the Peterson House in Washington, DC. After President Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theater, he was carried across the street to the home of William Peterson.

This is a medical display at the musuem. The surgeon is getting ready to cut off the leg of the wounded soldier on the table while another soldier tries to hold him down. He is biting on a piece of rope to help with the pain.

As part of the events that day, the Victorian Dance Ensemble displayed some Civil War era dancing. You can read more about Civil War Dancing in this post.

Finally, outside of the museum is a monument showing Sgt. Kirkland giving water to a wounded soldier at the Battle of Fredericksburg. This brave confederate soldier risked his life to give water to wounded soldiers from both the north and the south. For this he earned the nickname, "The Angel of Marye's Heights"
If you are in the Harrisburg area, be sure to stop by the Civil War Museum. You can see more photos from the museum on my Flickr page.