Today I met Mrs. Abernethy's Global Gorillas. They are a fifth grade class learning about the Civil War. Today they chose their topics to research. The topics they will learn about are: Abby and Taylor - Medicine; Aaron and Ryuji - Guns and ammunition; Kayla S., Kayla G. and Jacqueline - Food; Shayla and Stacie - Uniforms and clothing; Zachery and Sawyer - Shelter; Joseph, Joshua and Abram - Communication; Nathan and Jesse - Ships; Jessica and Kylee - Flags; Kaylee and Heather - Photography; Megan and Kortni - Music; Skyleigh and Cassia - Battles; William and Spencer - Soldiers;
They are going to do some totally radical projects that they can put on the web. They won't be done this week, so be sure to keep checking back. I will give you their link as soon as it is ready.
I can tell this is going to be a fun stay!