Wednesday, March 25, 2009

PA Regional Computer Fair


I am here to tell everyone that on March 24, 2009 my friend Sarah and I won 1st place at the Regional PA Middle School Computer Fair event that was held at Capital Area Intermediate Unit. Sarah and I will now go to the State Computer Fair on May 20, 2009 at Dickinson College. We will be competing against other kids from around the state and we will be judged twice throughout the day. 

Please wish Sarah and I luck on May 20, 2009 when we will be competing against other kids from across the state in the Webpage Design category.  I hope we win.

Here is Sarah after winning 1st place.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is really great! I help build blogs for a living and you've really set this one up nicely, it is very easy to check out what you've been doing with your CIvil War Sallie Project. I'm glad you found my list of Ed Tech Tweeps going to NECC 2009. Keep up the good work on the blog, I'll be sure to check it periodically. Oh and congratulations on winning first place!
