Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm at Bridge Valley Elementary!

Whewwwww! It feels so good to be out of that stuffy box! Yesterday I had a chance to meet the children in Mr. Controy’s 5th grade class. I learned that they are studying the American Revolution right now. I was so excited to show them how many years past from the end of the American Revolution at the Battle of Yorktown to the beginning of the Civil War. Today we watched a really cool movie on Discovery Streaming and Mr. Controy and I taught his students all about Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Controy showed me this really cool website called BrainPOP! Moby (a robot) and Tim taught us more about the Union and Confederate States. The students had to take a quiz at the end of the BrainPOP! I had to take the quiz too... and guess what? I scored a perfect 10 out of 10! Mr. Controy asked me if I would help his students make their own BrainPOP’s for the Civil War. Needless to say, I said YES! I am going to fill in for Moby the robot. I heard he is home sick with a bad cold. This project is going to take us a couple of days so look for BrainPOPs in the near future!

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