Thursday, April 1, 2010

Old Greeley Train Museum - 3/31/10

On Wednesday, after Remi had me on Tuesday, I met Quentin and I was with him all day. First, in Science we learned about CPR. It was really neat and gross. I hope I never have to give Quentin CPR! I stayed in during recess while Quentin finished his homework. I should have made him do it last night; I could have helped him.
When he came back from lunch, we completed a study guide for reading. I noticed that Quentin got most of the practice questions right. Hopefully tonight he will study! He promised me he would. Then we went to a reading group. Everyone thought Quentin was carrying a purse when it was really me in my carrying case. When we came back from reading group, Quentin got ready to go home and then played a game. He let me try, too.
After school, Quentin's mom picked us up. She took us to the Old Greeley Train Museum. I got two pictures taken of me. I also got some pictures to color and a Greeley Tourist Guide, so I can see what else to do here for fun. The Train Museum was so fun because I got to see old trains and some antique stuff. We saw two trains on the tracks.
Finally, we went home to eat before we went to church. I had nachos for dinner. I loved the spicy salsa. When we got back from church, Quentin tried to have me eat candy, but I didn't. Then we went to bed and were annoyed by Quentin's dog. Good night for now. See you tomorrow.

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